Friday, October 29, 2010

Smart Boxes

Smart Boxes

There are 8 ways to be smart.
You can be picture, music, nature, self, logic, people, word and body smart. We made a little box with little things inside and we colored the outside. The little things represented our smarts. There was a crayon for picture smarts, a smiley face for people smart, a music note for music smarts, a mirror for self smarts, a ball for body smarts, a robot for logic smarts, a letter for word smarts, and a small earth for nature smarts.
Test your own smarts here.

By Miss Barwell's and Mrs. Harden's Class

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Strong Wall

We used Legos to build strong walls. We tested the walls.
We did a drop test to see if it would break or stay together.
We had a flick test to see which wall would stay up when we flicked it.
It’s a good thing when the wall stays up. To make a strong wall we stagger and overlap. Our goal was to make a strong and thick wall.
By Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Masiello's class